My five favourite cultural moments from 2020

3 min readMay 15, 2021
  1. Masks- Who knew that 2020 will lead to the year of ‘Do not forget your mask’. I never thought I would have a mask collection until recently. Even though it is for our safety, it has been really inspiring seeing people coming up with different designs for them. It seemed to have helped encourage the public to keep safe. Just remember to pack your masks and not your socks (a lesson I sadly had to learn).

2. Beyonce, Black Is King album- Beyonce is truly inspiring, she always keeps creating, always tells stories through her music and I love them. Black Is King changed the perception of Africa being seen as a poor continent with flies on people’s faces and showed it for what it really is, full of culture. This album was definitely an opportunity to change this stigma and I am here for it.

3. Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Reunion- Growing up, Fresh Prince of Bel-air taught me so much about life and was honestly an amazing show. The reunion was just perfect timing during lockdown to take my mind of the events happening around me and help keep my heart at ease by putting a smile on my face.

4. Zendaya winning an Emmy- Watching Zendaya be the youngest Emmy winner was amazing. She is someone I really respect and let us not forget her fashion, just wow. To see her receive an award she deserved was inspiring. She helped show young people such as myself that it is possible to break boundaries regardless of your age.

5. Marcus Rashford’s ‘Meal a day’- Marcus Rashford was an example of how you can change the world one step at a time. He used his platform and fame to provide meals for families who were financially unable to provide for themselves and it was truly inspiring. No one should have to go without food on their table.




Just a girl who loves expressing herself through words